Friday, June 10, 2016

K-Show: Produce 101 - where likeable is more matter than tallent

First of all, I know I'm going to say whatever I want to say about the show and everything that relate to the term 'idol' in S.Korea and I'm pretty sure that will lead to tons of hate and hurtful comments from the show fans itself. I'm neither a hater or a fan itself, just a random viewer who got lost watching the show without having any bias opinion. 

Produce 101 has been a huge hit in South Korea lately, this survival show have captivated many viewers with their hit song 'Pick Me', the song have been playing everywhere and get parodied on other show a lot. Not just the song, the 'winning' girl group I.O.I (stands for Ideal Of Idol) also receive a lot of love since the day they debuting with their new song 'Dream Girl'. But lets take a look back at the concept and the whole meaning of the show, there are just some disturbing things that I want to point out from the show. 

The K-Pop phenomenon have been happening around the world that include my lovely Indonesia and K-Pop itself usually identic as either boyband or girlband that came from South Korea whom the company form consist of chosen trainees and forming a visual concept that could sell well in the market. The Korean netizen itself also refer them as 'idol' which mean they are the ideal entertainer, they can sing, dance, and do a lot of variety stuff and the most importantly a lot I mean a lot of youngster follow them even making them as their role model or 'virtual lover' that I would like to call. 

To be an idol itself ain't instant like we used to think, they have to became a trainee first in order to debut as an idol. The period training itself are variable, it depend on the individual skill and the lucky factor, it can be just for 4 months period (ex: SJ's Kyuhyun) or it can be 8 years period (2AM's Jokwon). The training period is where the 'idol' candidate get train by the company for their singing, dancing and other variety skill that will help them get through the idol life in the future, more like school I guess but you just don't know when will you graduate. 

Speaking of trainees, this where Produce 101 get me. Its another South Korean show where trainees from various entertainment participate to became the next national idol by the viewers vote, that's the short and I bet their description of the show but for me who have been watching the first until the last episode of the show will describe it as  a show that have 101 girls compete each other in order to debut as a girl group that will promote less than a year and talents are not the 'it' factor for them to win. 

Yeah, happy to say that this is basically a popularity test, anyone who have the look and personality that  appeal to the viewers are the one who deserve to debut. Me personally think this is way unfair to the kids who have the talent to be a singer  and dancer. Little did we know this show is also reflecting to what happen in 'real' life, where member of the idol group are chosen based on their look, well the company might put one or few kids that have the real talent but the rest are just for viewers satisfaction, not that I think they were talentless but it just their talents aren't enough for them to be a singer and dancer *duh... that's why they calls them idol group*. The point is, you just have to be pretty or handsome *or get under the knive* to be an idol group member, the rest of the things could be taught. 

I know it sound like I dislike the show but hey! I watch through the ending, how come I watch something that I didn't like. It just some sad reality about the K-Pop group that shown on the show that I want to share, it all down to business. Which group/person can make more money is the one who will survive in the idol world. But, I didn't say this show is only a bad reflection to the Kpop world, there is also showing a lot of determination that come from the girls in order for them to achieve the dream of debuting. With strong determination and a lot of hard work, anything will be possible. That's what I got from the show. It was a positive example for anyone especially young girls who in the middle of chasing their dream. 

Ps, this is their Super Addicting Song 'Pick Me', you should check it out


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