Thursday, July 21, 2016

K-Drama: A Gentleman Dignity (2012)

Love, Friendship and Dignity.

Kalau ditanya apa drama favorite gw, banyak! tapi salah satunya itu A Gentleman Dignity. Kenapa? Karena dari sekian banyak drama korea yang gw tonton, drama ini yang mau gw tonton berulang-ulang tanpa bosen. Banyak hal yang bikin gw pribadi suka sama drama ini, dari plot ceritanya, pemeran-pemerannya sampai ke karakter-karakter yang diperanin. Ceritanya menarik banget menurut gw, ditambah humor-humor yang freshyang bakalan meninggalkan kesan baik tentang kehidupan setelah umur 40 tahun.

If you ask me what’s my favourite Korean drama is, I pick A Gentleman Dignity as one of them. Why? Because out of all K-drama that I watched, this one is definitely one of the few that I would love to re-watch it again. So many reason why I love this drama, from the story line, the casts and characters they played to the refreshing humour that will leave you a good impression about the 40s. 

Drama ini menceritakan mengenai kisah 4 gentleman Kim Do Jin, Im Tae San, Choi Yoon dan Lee Jong Rok yang baru saja menginjak umur 40 tahun. Kehidupan 4 orang sahabat ini dikemas dengan gaya yang unik dan fresh, selain menceritakan tentang kehidupan 'om-om' ini, drama ini juga menceritakan gimana persahabatan ke-4 'om-om' yang sudah lebih dari 20 tahun ini, mulainya, gimana mereka berantem terus baikan dan gimana mereka memprioritaskan satu sama lain di keadaan-keadaan tertentu, dan kelakuan mereka yang kaya remaja kalau udah ngumpul bareng itu menghibur banget. Gw pribadi suka banget cerita tentang persahabatan, jadi persahabatan ke-4 'om-om' di drama ini jadi nilai plus sendiri buat gw. Selain itu, konflik-konflik yang disajikan juga unik, gw ngerasa kalau ide dari drama ini genius, kapan lagi kita bisa liat 'om-om' kece yang menghibur kaya gini, disaat kebanyakan dari drama-drama romantic comedy lain punya pemeran utama yang usianya bisa dibilang lebih muda. 

The drama tell about the story of 4 gentleman Kim Do Jin, Im Tae San, Choi Yoon and Lee Jong Rok whom just reach their 40s. The life of 40 years old told with a really refreshing way, not just that but it also tells about the friendship that they build since they were teens until the time being, and I’m a sucker for a great friendship story. It just so entertaining to see this Ahjushi (korean term for middle-aged man) behave like teenagers when their around each other despite their not so young age. The conflict that occurs in the drama and also the way they solve just not like any drama that have teenagers or young characters as their centre.

I'm such a softie when it comes to Romantic Comedy drama, bisa dibilang gw suka banget sama romantic comedy drama, gak berat dan menghibur hidup yang sudah rumit ini. Pastinya hampir setiap drama korea punya romance atau love line nya sendiri, kalau di drama ini main couplenya yaitu Kim Do Jin dan Seo Yi Soo, meskipun mereka berdua jadi main couple tapi cerita dari couple-couple lainnya juga gak kalah seru. Cerita geng 'om-om' mengejar dan mempertahankan cinta mereka masing-masing bener-bener bikin cerita di drama ini semkain hidup, ada lucu, sedih dan gregetnya. Pokoknya layak di tonton lah. Dan yang bikin bagus lagi, di drama ini gak ada tokoh antagonisnya, semua peran sama, punya kelemahan dan kelebihan masing-masing, konfliknya juga gak begitu berat dan banyak joke-joke yang menghibur sepanjang drama. Belum lagi tiap episode diawali dengan prologue yang fun dan pastinya bikin ketawa.

Of course the main genre of the drama is Romantic Comedy and that’s one of the reason that got me hooked with this drama. A Korean drama without some romance just not complete, the main love story in this drama are none other the great Kim Do Jin and Seo Yi Soo, although all the couple in this drama also has taken a great portion of the story. Even-tough Dojin-Yisoo couple are the main couple, but PD-nim and SW-nim did not leave the other couple story dull because all the couple have their charms and unique story to tell so you won’t get bored seeing only the main couple for the whole 20 episodes. Another thing that I love about this drama romance, there are no backstabbing or competition between the male or female to get a certain person or should I say a love triangle, because it looks like SW-nim has already decide whom pair with whom and the story tell how that certain person pursue, fight or maintenance their love. 

Meskipun para pemainnya sudah mulai 'berumur', tapi semua pemain punya karisma masing-masing. Para aktor ini rata-rata memang sudah punya reputasi bagus di dunia perfileman korea, jadi akting mereka sudah tidak dipertanyakan lagi. Siapa sangka melihat 'om-om' ngumpul di suatu drama bisa se-seru ini. Ide dari drama ini emang genius.

Despite the actors and actress not so young age, they all both have the charms and charisma that stole the viewers heart and attention. Who thought it would be this fun to watch bunch of ahjushi doing a romantic comedy drama together? and who thought this ahjuhma (korean term for middle-age woman) still has the body and look in their 30s-40s. The idea for casting and making story for these ‘old’ fellas is just brilliant, I just can’t thank the creator enough for making such a great drama. 

Ratings: 9.5/10


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